My Milestone Birthday Bucket List

Milestone Birthday Bucket List

Starting early on some life goals and new experiences

For my birthday this year I am setting some specific goals and bucket list items. My intention is to complete them over the next 2 years. Why that goal? Well today marks two years to my next big milestone birthday (happy birthday to me!). And instead of waiting for that year to come, I am going to give myself some time to achieve my milestone birthday bucket list. Yay!

travel is a big part of the milestone birthday bucket list
Photo by Michael Block on

With that, I am listing 25 bucket list items for the next 24 months. Some will be easy to achieve, some will take some time. But all of them are things where the prospect of checking it off the list is super exciting for me. Your bucket list may look very different, but here is mine.

My Big Birthday Bucket List

  1. Visit at least 2 new cities.
  2. Complete a formal wine course / certification.
  3. Buy our forever home.
  4. Read at least 24 books.
  5. Plan a birthday trip with friends for my milestone birthday.
  6. Hit 25K pageviews on my blog website.
  7. Take a wine country trip – Napa/Sonoma
  8. Take a spa trip.
  9. Have a girls’ weekend.
  10. Generate consistent revenue from my blog.
  11. Start a marketing advisory partnership.
  12. Try at least 5 new wine varietals / vineyards.
  13. At least 2x / year randomly try a new restaurant.
  14. Take an international trip.
  15. Learn to meditate.
  16. Maintain my health and fitness level, if not improve it.
  17. Develop a LI Wine Country travel guide.
  18. Gain at least 1000 new followers on social media.
  19. Start the process for a coaching certification.
  20. Host friends for a LI wine trip.
  21. Take part in a breast cancer fundraiser.
  22. Write a letter to myself to be opened 10 years from my milestone birthday.
  23. Try 4 new recipes that have intimidated me before.
  24. Have monthly date nights.
  25. Commit to a new habit each month.
Getting ready to celebrate milestone birthday
Photo by cottonbro studio on

Set Your Own Milestone Birthday Bucket List

And there you have it, my 25-item goal/bucket list for the next two years. That is 24 months to check these items off. As you can see, some of them are ongoing and meant to take me the full 2 years. Others are things that are an event, trip, or point in time effort. But together are meant to ensure these next two years are fun, different, and memorable.

I would love to hear from you on what items you would put on your own milestone birthday bucket list? Maybe I will end up adding some more before the two years are up or will start working on my next one. Let’s do this friends!

For more background on why I chose some of these items, check out my recent Q&A post.

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