The Power of a Perfect Hair Day for More Confidence

blonde haired woman standing between green plants

Finding your confidence source

Recently I had a case of tendinitis in my left shoulder. It was extremely painful and for several days I really couldn’t use my left arm. That especially meant there was no way for me to do my own hair in a way that would make me feel confident about myself. For several days I was in a lot of pain and just felt down and off but we had plans with family that I didn’t want to miss and I had some job interviews scheduled. My amazing hairdresser was able to squeeze me in on a Saturday afternoon for a wash and blow dry. Thirty minutes later I left her salon feeling a million times better than I had in ages! Yes, all it took was clean, bouncy, silky hair ready for dinner out and to wow some potential employers and I felt unstoppable. My entire self-image changed in an instant and I was feeling super confident.

You see, for me, having a good hair day is a source of confidence, pep in my step, or just feeling amazing. I know you know what I am talking about. We all have that pair of shoes, piece of jewelry, lipstick color, favorite outfit, etc. that just gives us an extra boost. That one thing that makes you feel unstoppable.

In college, I operated with the look-good feel-good method, meaning I would “dress up”, aka wear something other than jeans and a sweatshirt, mostly on days that I wasn’t feeling my best or just needed a little extra boost. I still use that strategy some days. During the lock-down days of the pandemic, there would be days where I would go ahead and dress in real clothes, put on make-up and do my hair even though I wasn’t leaving the house. 

blonde haired woman standing between green plants
Photo by Tim Mossholder on

It’s Not for Anyone Other Than Yourself

You see, it isn’t about looking good or impressing someone else, it is about doing something for yourself. Other people may not even notice that cute pair of shoes that make you stand a little taller, or that fabulous scarf that makes you feel unstoppable. To me, it is a gift to yourself to have that thing – even if it’s a song that pumps you up – that can totally change you mood for the day. 

I have read and studied a lot about how to take control of your thoughts. Turn the negative self-talk into positive. Go from feeling down and unfocused to being confident and motivated. I know a power color won’t always work, but having that thing that gets you feeling alive, confident, bold, certainly can’t hurt. 

So give it some thought and see what is that thing or things that you can always rely on to feel better, more energized and most of all more confident? Food or drinks don’t count by the way! 

For me, hands down it is a fresh blowout by a talented hairdresser. I feel relaxed, confident, and ready for anything with well styled hair. I’ve even searched out blow-dry bars and hair salons in other cities and countries when traveling for work and needing to feel a little extra confident for a presentation or event. 

I’m sure you have that thing that can shift your mood, make you more confident and improve your self-image so share it below or tag me on social media with it!

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